Four things to do when you feel signs of a stress overload – a quick recipe

When there’s a bit too much work, and a bit too much to sort out in my personal life, I become easily distressed. While I do try to prevent such emotionally overwhelming situations from developing at the first place, they do still happen ever now and then. I tend to be in shock, forget about … Continue reading Four things to do when you feel signs of a stress overload – a quick recipe

What makes good literature, and mental health interventions

The other day I was reading a website called 1749: it’s about contemporary literature curated in Hungary (both Hungarian literature and international literature translated to Hungarian). I read a poem by the Iranian Garous Abdolmalekian and then an essay written by the poem’s Hungarian translator Martin Szekely. Martin shared an interesting reflection about his encounters … Continue reading What makes good literature, and mental health interventions